Strengthen, Restore, Empower: Animal Medicine
Native American rituals and practices are rooted in connection with all aspects of life and the Great Spirit (God). Therefore, the Native...

Article: Edible Landscaping: Yum, Let's Eat The Yard
Edible landscape design enables you to have your flowers – and eat them, too. Of course, fruits and vegetables are obvious choices for...

Article: The Roots of the Aloha Shirt
Hawaiian Style: The Roots of the Aloha Shirt By Maribeth Keane and Brad Quinn In this interview, author and scholar Dr. Linda Arthur...

Native American Elk: Stamina and Energy
Aloha, Peggy and I are presenting a new series on our website in the blog section. The series will cover the Native American totem...

Soaring, Surfing & Sailing
Born in New York on April 5, 1912, the older of two children, Woodbridge (Woody) Parker Brown came from a very wealthy home, headed by a...

Amazing Honolua Bay, Maui: Please Click and Read!
In northwest Maui, the district the ancients called Kaʻānapali, there are six hono bays (uniting of the bays,) which are legendary: from...

Video: Rise of the Ali'i, Please Like and Share!
Click here: Rise of the Ali'i

Musician Jon Kinimaka: Son of Prince Kalani Kinimaka
About the song: "Writings in the sand represents our Iwi Kupuna burials in the sand." The song was inspired by past and ongoing war...

Forward! Imua Kamehameha E'
By Clifford Kapono For most Na Kanaka who look to work in concert with US Law, we find the convoluted language of haole legislation to...

Fire Goddess Pele and the Missionaries
“Had Vulcan employed ten thousand giant Cyclops, each with a steam engine of one thousand horse-power, blowing anthracite coal for...