You Can Save Our Seas! Malama Ke Kai
Click on the photo to read! 11 Ways You Can Save Our Seas! 1. Coral and other creatures are alive. Avoid stepping on or touching coral....

All New Issue of Maui Salt and Sage Magazine
Click on the photo see the new flip page! 1. You'll find pieces of Maui's history 2. A Talk Story about Maui's future 3. A humorous take...

From Maui To Love: The Tradewinds
This is an invitation to travel around the world with Morgan Blake and Livy Tinsley in search of truth and love... (Please Click the...

Maui No Ka Oi, A Window To The World
West Maui is considered a ‘window to the world’ because this area has seen the comings and goings of rival chiefs, kings, missionaries,...

Coming Home to Maui
Coming Home to Maui Talking Story with Philip Scott Waikoloa “On a white sandy beach in Hawaii” - Braddah IZ We’re coming home to Maui; I...

Surfing: The Sport of Hawaiian Kings
Surfing in Britain “Surf riding after the Hawaiian fashion is extremely simple when performed with pen and ink, but the swimmer who tries...

Can You Really Go Home Again?
Shipped thousands of miles away from the tropical islands of Hawaii to a private prison in the Arizona desert, two native Hawaiians...

Thanksgiving: Hawaiian Style! Makahiki
Long before the Pilgrims, native Hawaiians have celebrated "Makahiki," the longest thanksgiving in the world, which lasted four...

The Amazing Anaweka Canoe: Found After 600
Many of us love to get out on the water in our canoes; the world can seem a different place when we’re gliding across the the middle of a...

100th anniversary of Lili‘uokalani’s death
from The Star Advertiser Events to mark 100th anniversary of Lili‘uokalani’s death By Timothy Hurley November 7, 2017 When Hawaii’s...