Amazing Honolua Bay, Maui: Please Click and Read!
In northwest Maui, the district the ancients called Kaʻānapali, there are six hono bays (uniting of the bays,) which are legendary: from...

Video: Rise of the Ali'i, Please Like and Share!
Click here: Rise of the Ali'i

Musician Jon Kinimaka: Son of Prince Kalani Kinimaka
About the song: "Writings in the sand represents our Iwi Kupuna burials in the sand." The song was inspired by past and ongoing war...

Forward! Imua Kamehameha E'
By Clifford Kapono For most Na Kanaka who look to work in concert with US Law, we find the convoluted language of haole legislation to...

Fire Goddess Pele and the Missionaries
“Had Vulcan employed ten thousand giant Cyclops, each with a steam engine of one thousand horse-power, blowing anthracite coal for...

Hawk Awakens: Akin To Mercury
Overview As a power animal, Hawk "awakens" not only the memory, but also the elements and the kingdoms, and it teaches you to look. Hawk...

Aboriginal and Native Hawaiian Historical Parallels
A Brief Aboriginal History “The very ink with which all history is written is merely fluid prejudice.” Mark Twain Since the European...

Edible Landscaping: Hale Mahi'ai
Edible Landscaping in Hawaii A friend asked me recently about putting in edible landscaping on his place, and considering the possible...

Great Spirit: The Power of Eagle Medicine
Salty Zen Clothing 25% Off Sale! www.saltyzenclothing.com Eagle medicine is the power of the Great Spirit, the connection to the Divine....

The Legendary Duke Kahanamoku
Duke Paoa Kahanamoku was born in 1890, one of nine children of a Honolulu policeman. Duke was named after his father who was given the...