When Will Aloha Be Reciprocated?
This is not meant to be a comprehensive study of the relationship between the US and The Kingdom of Hawaii, but more of an outline;...

Maui Salt And Sage Magazine Photo Contest!
Maui Salt and Sage Magazine invites you to submit your photos of our beautiful island. You can submit them to mauisaltandsage@gmail.com. ...

The Illegal Overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom Remembered
By Timothy Hurley Thousands of people, many dressed in black, marched to Iolani Palace this morning to mark the 125th anniversary of the...

Fire and Water: Pele, and Hi'iaka
Pele and her sister are in the family line is Hiʻiaka, and they take on the task of bearing the clouds, providing rain, thunder and...

The Masterful Hawaiian Fisherman
Painting by Herb Kane Historically, Hawaiians have had five methods of fishing: spearing, hand-catching, baskets, hook and line and nets....

Native American Secrets: The Animal Totems
Aloha, Peggy and I will be presenting a new series on our website in the blog section. The series will cover the Native American totem...

Photo Contest! Get Shootin!
A brand new page will be created for contestants! Maui Salt and Sage Magazine invites you to submit your photos of our beautiful island....

A Brave New Maui!
A report issued by Maui Tomorrow estimates a doubling of jobs and tripling of revenue post-sugar. The Mālama ‘Āina: A Conversation About...