New Bonus Footage! New Makai Side: A History of Surfing in Hawaii
Makai Side: A History of Hawaiian Surfing Documentary is back! 5,000 views and going strong.Mahalos for watching. Please share! Makai...

Fearless Determination, Daring and Intrepidity...
The 100th/442nd arrived at Bruyeres, Belmont and Biffontaine, September 29, 1944; after arriving in France, the 442nd Regimental Combat...

The 19 Hawaiian Values of Aloha within...
THE 19 VALUES OF ALOHA A brief, single-page listing of the 19 Hawaiian Values of Aloha within the Managing with Aloha philosophy...

Jen Ruggles Holds Community Meeting On War Crimes
IVN) – A community meeting organized by Puna councilwoman Jen Ruggles to explain her ongoing absence from council drew a standing...