Makai Side: A History of Hawaiian Surfing
Please take a look at mine and Peggy's latest creation. Have you seen the my new documentary video about the Hawaiian Legends? See The...

Article: The Food Plants of Hawaiʻi can be...
Staple Food The food plants of Hawaiʻi can be divided into three groups: those known as staple foods (the principal starchy foods – kalo...

Now Live On Youtube! Makai Side: A History of Hawaiian Surfing
Hawaiian Surfing history from the beginning; Covering depictions of 18th century surfers by British artists aboard trade ships through...

Article: Upon hearing that news Liliu‘okalani decided to...
“John (Dominis) was, to use a euphemism, rather irregular as a husband – as many husbands in my experience are. He was fond of society,...

If You Love To Surf Then...
You're Going to love this... Join The Facebook Event Page For Updates: Makai Side: A History of Hawaiian Surfing Hawaiian Surfing...