I'm sorry but...
If we were a magazine that had a lot of corporate advertising we would have to refrain ourselves from telling you the truth. We have...

Article: Early Inter-Island Ferry
Early Inter-Island Ferry All of the following is from a Supplement of the Report of the Minister of Foreign Relations; it is dated as...

Article: Best Way Not To Be A Surfing Nuisance
Surfing Etiquette Surfing Etiquette is the most important thing to learn before you set foot in the surf. These rules are not so much...

Article: Knowledge Without Wisdom Will Never...
Knowledge and Wisdom Knowledge had a brother. His name was Wisdom. In the beginning both lived harmoniously, but as they grew up, they...

Article: Hawaiian Political Status of Male Chiefs Mahiole Pōheoheo
“In every day life the ancient Hawaiian trusted to the protection of his thick, coarse hair and wore no hat. When the conch-shell trumpet...

Article: Roll Film, Surf Photographer Scott Aichner
“If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” – Isaac Newton, letter to Robert Hooke, 1676 The following...

History of the “Pokiki” in Hawaii
Reportedly, the first Portuguese in Hawai’i were sailors that came on the Eleanora in 1790. It is believed the first Portuguese...

A Gift: FREE Downloadable 11x14 Print of the Aloha Van
maui SALTANDSAGEMAGAZINE A soulful approach to the ‘Aina and Makai. And the People who care for it. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD: Aloha Van

"Long Live the Grand Old, Sonorous, Poetical Hawaiian language..."
Oli and mele are a long-time part of the Hawaiian tradition. “As the Hawaiian songs were unwritten, and adapted to chanting rather than...