Now Live on Youtube! Sacred Wai: Life-giving Water

A short film by Maui Salt and Sage Productions depicting the Hawaiian love for Wai (Sacred Water). All shot on Maui. Edited and Produced by Maui Salt and Sage Magazine, Philip Scott Waikoloa and Peggy Johnson.
The Hawaiian word waiwai – a reduplication of the term for water – meant wealth, reflecting the literal seat of riches in Hawaiian society. The importance of water shaped ancient laws and justice. Property and legal rights centered as much on water use as on land use and possession (as in the Western tradition). Water was understood to be an important resource to be protected and cared for.
The water needs of taro spurred Hawaiians to some of their greatest engineering and construction achievements. They developed sophisticated irrigation systems that supplied communities of farmers and kept taro terraces flooded with slowly circulating water.