Article: Sunflowers, The New "Flower Power" is actually a flower...
Pacific Biodiesel turns sunflower seeds into oil for cooking and massages — in addition to biofuel... Some of last year’s harvest from...

Navigating Hawaii: Windward, Leeward, Mauka, Makai
One of the most unique aspects of Hawaii has got to be its microclimates. One side of the island may be raining buckets while at the same...

Now Live on Youtube! Sacred Wai: Life-giving Water
Sacred Wai (link) A short film by Maui Salt and Sage Productions depicting the Hawaiian love for Wai (Sacred Water). All shot on Maui....

Video: Wai Kapu (Sacred Water) Trailer
Coming March 25th A short film by Maui Salt and Sage Productions depicting the Hawaiian love for Wai (Sacred Water). All shot on Maui....

Article: Edible Landscaping: Yum, Let's Eat The Yard
Edible landscape design enables you to have your flowers – and eat them, too. Of course, fruits and vegetables are obvious choices for...

Edible Landscaping: Hale Mahi'ai
Edible Landscaping in Hawaii A friend asked me recently about putting in edible landscaping on his place, and considering the possible...

Fire and Water: Pele, and Hi'iaka
Pele and her sister are in the family line is Hiʻiaka, and they take on the task of bearing the clouds, providing rain, thunder and...

Photo Contest! Get Shootin!
A brand new page will be created for contestants! Maui Salt and Sage Magazine invites you to submit your photos of our beautiful island....

A Brave New Maui!
A report issued by Maui Tomorrow estimates a doubling of jobs and tripling of revenue post-sugar. The Mālama ‘Āina: A Conversation About...

The Hawaiian New Year! Makahiki by Peter T Young
The rising of Makaliʻi (the constellation Pleiades) at sunset marks the beginning of the Hawaiian new year, known as Makahiki.