The 19 Hawaiian Values of Aloha within...

THE 19 VALUES OF ALOHA A brief, single-page listing of the 19 Hawaiian Values of Aloha within the Managing with Aloha philosophy follows below. They are described with our Managing with Aloha “Language of Intention” just as they appear in the book, and individual index pages have been created for them here on the site: Click on each to learn more using the navigation bar above, and then follow the value-mapping we do in each new article posted. You will see the value tags indexed in the footer of each article. The values are listed here sequentially, as are the chapters of Managing with Aloha, and consequentially, in that they will build on each other as you learn them. For more about values and why we choose them, we invite you to visit one of my first postings on this site, Let’s Define Values. See the footnote below for more on Language of Intention: It is a Key Concept within our MWA philosophy, and explains why we use the Hawaiian names for these values as our labels and site tags. ALOHA— Aloha is a value, one of unconditional love. Aloha is the outpouring and receiving of the spirit. HO‘OHANA— The value of work: To work with intent and with purpose. ‘IMI OLA— To “seek best life.” Our purpose in life is to seek its highest form. The value of mission and vision. HO‘OMAU— The value of perseverance. To persist, to continue, to perpetuate. Never give up. KŪLIA I KA NU‘U— The value of achievement. “Strive to reach the summit.” Pursue personal excellence in all you do. HO‘OKIPA— The value of hospitality, a hospitality of complete giving. Welcome guests and strangers with your spirit of Aloha. ‘OHANA— Those who are family, and those you choose to call your family. As a value, ‘Ohana is a human circle of complete Aloha. LŌKAHI— The value of teamwork: Collaboration and cooperation. Harmony and unity. People who work together can achieve more. KĀKOU— The value of communication, for “All of us.” We are in this together. Learn to speak the language of we. KULEANA— One’s personal sense of responsibility. “I accept my responsibilities, and I will be held accountable.” ‘IKE LOA— The value of learning. To know well. To seek knowledge and wisdom. HA‘AHA‘A— The value of humility. Be humble, be modest, and open your thoughts. HO‘OHANOHANO— To honor the dignity of others. Conduct yourself with distinction, and cultivate respectfulness. ALAKA‘I— The value of leadership. Lead with initiative, and with your good example. You shall be the guide for others when you have gained their trust and respect. MĀLAMA— The value of stewardship. To take care of. To serve and to honor, to protect and care for. MAHALO— “Thank you”, as a way of living. Live in thankfulness for the richness that makes life so precious. NĀNĀ I KE KUMU— Look to your Sense of Place and sources of spirit, and you find your truth. PONO— The value of integrity, of rightness and balance. The feeling of contentment when all is good and all is right. KA LĀ HIKI OLA— “The dawning of a new day.” Optimism. The value of hope and promise. Morning Glory by Rosa Say Footnote: About our Language of Intention: Language is critical in our communication with each other as human beings, and we do more than speak it: we author it as we employ it. We choose our words carefully, or try to, knowing that doing so helps us be more effective in sharing our beliefs with others, and our intentions connected to those beliefs. We need to understand each other, and we want to. The vocabulary we choose, and use regularly, begins to label that shared, and desired understanding. This is how we use Hawaiian in MWA: to label our shared learning, and keep talking about it with an insiders’ language of intention. It becomes our “Language of We.” When we define the values which unify us, they align our beliefs, and thus, our behavior. http//