Hawk Awakens: Akin To Mercury
Overview As a power animal, Hawk "awakens" not only the memory, but also the elements and the kingdoms, and it teaches you to look. Hawk...

Aboriginal and Native Hawaiian Historical Parallels
A Brief Aboriginal History “The very ink with which all history is written is merely fluid prejudice.” Mark Twain Since the European...

Edible Landscaping: Hale Mahi'ai
Edible Landscaping in Hawaii A friend asked me recently about putting in edible landscaping on his place, and considering the possible...

Great Spirit: The Power of Eagle Medicine
Salty Zen Clothing 25% Off Sale! www.saltyzenclothing.com Eagle medicine is the power of the Great Spirit, the connection to the Divine....

The Legendary Duke Kahanamoku
Duke Paoa Kahanamoku was born in 1890, one of nine children of a Honolulu policeman. Duke was named after his father who was given the...

Surfing: A Royal Sport
Images courtesy of The Jack London Society. “Ah, delicious moment when I felt that breaker grip and fling me. On I dashed, a hundred and...

The Great Māhele: The Origin Of Hawaiian Land Titles
At the time of Captain Cook’s contact with the Hawaiian Islands the land was divided into several independent Kingdoms. By right of...

When Will Aloha Be Reciprocated?
This is not meant to be a comprehensive study of the relationship between the US and The Kingdom of Hawaii, but more of an outline;...

Maui Salt And Sage Magazine Photo Contest!
Maui Salt and Sage Magazine invites you to submit your photos of our beautiful island. You can submit them to mauisaltandsage@gmail.com. ...

The Illegal Overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom Remembered
By Timothy Hurley Thousands of people, many dressed in black, marched to Iolani Palace this morning to mark the 125th anniversary of the...