Recipe: Momi’s ‘Opae (Shrimp) Fajitas
Momi’s ‘Opae Fajitas ½ lb med. Shrimp or “Opae” ½ lg Onion of choice 1 red bell pepper 2 tbsp coconut oil 1 lg clove garlic, minced ½...

Article: Maui Town Names Defined
You may find variations on these definitions as the Hawaiian language is rich with varied meanings. Kahului - scented tree Wailuku -...

The "Merrie Monarch:" King David Kalakaua
After Lunalilo's death, another election was held in 1874, this time pitting Kalakaua against queen dowager Emma. Kalakaua won by a huge...

Article: Wild Hawaii, The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly
Hawai‘i’ is among the most isolated archipelagos on Earth. This isolation created a unique biogeography, and our native wildlife, both...

Article, Part 2: The Bizarre Mystery Monsters of Hawaii
by Brett Swancer and Joe Ford Even stranger and more firmly entrenched in the lore of the Hawaiian islands is the creature known as the...

Article: In Response To The Significance of The Hawaiian Flag Protest
The point is: These kids don't accept the US as their country. They consider themselves an occupied nation because their country was...

Article: Missionaries and the Decline of Hula
Quote from the Missionaries: "lasciviousness [to be eager, wanton]... could not flourish in modest communities..." Note: It looks like...

Hawaii High Schools Stage Walkout Protesting Placement of State Flag
Dozens of students at a number of high schools across Hawaii walked out of class Thursday morning in a show of protest against the...

Article: The Bizarre Mystery Monsters of Hawaii, Part I
When picturing the islands of Hawaii, the first image one may have is of a tropical island paradise, perfect for a getaway from the...

Article: Shaka, History of the Hawaiian "Hang Loose"
The Shaka History of the Hawaiian "Hang Loose" What do you think it means? It's as common as the fist bump these days, and then again so...