Hawaii High Schools Stage Walkout Protesting Placement of State Flag

Dozens of students at a number of high schools across Hawaii walked out of class Thursday morning in a show of protest against the placement of the state flag.
The teenage protesters are advocating each campus be equipped with two flag poles so the American flag flies side by side with the Hawaiian one.
The demonstration consisted of lowering the American flag and exclusively raising the Hawaiian one. Students tell Island News faculty warned they could be suspended for participating. One of the biggest protests occurred at Hana High on Maui.
That's where the idea of a planned protest started.
On March 14, Jesiah Malaikini, 16 and a classmate switched out position's of the school's flags during a gun violence protest on campus.
Malaikini told Island News seeing the Hawaiian flag fly beneath the American flag bothered him for years. The high school junior was suspended.
Since then, Malaikini launched a go fund me account to generate money to pay for a second flag pole at Hana High.
The East Maui teen says he respects the national flag, but wants equal recognition for his home state-citing sensitive historical events such as the illegal overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii in 1893.
The Department of Education has not yet released a comment.

[The continued occupation by the US doesn't make Hawaii a possession or state of the US. It constitutes ruthless imperialism.]