Article: Kenya Plants 1500 Trees with Local Schools
For over a year, the Oyugis Pachamama Alliance Community in Kenya has been focused on creating awareness in their community about environmental sustainability issues and ways to address them. Community Coordinator Micah Opondo, an electrician by profession from Oyugis—a town approximately 207 miles west of Nairobi—has hosted Awakening the Dreamer Symposiums and has also started a project that aligns with his passion for creating a more sustainable and green planet: planting trees around schools in the community.
Last year Micah and a team of volunteers planted 1500 trees in 5 schools. The team had cultivated the trees from when they were tiny seedlings, potting and repotting until they were big enough to be planted on school grounds. Micah and the team also make frequent visits to water the growing trees twice daily on dry days and to weed every week.
Their goal this year is to plant 20,000 trees, with twenty schools receiving 500 trees each. As Micah states, “Human activities are the major contributors to climate changes globally. I deeply felt that together we all can play the role of game changers in making our planet better for the future generations.”
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