The Humpbacks Return! The Pride of Maui

For more than one reason, the Island of Maui is consistently rated the Best Island in the world. Not only do the visitors and happy locals of Maui know this, but so do the humpback whales. Year after year, the humpback whales travel from cool Alaskan waters all the way to warm Hawaiian oceans for their annual winter breeding.
They are first spotted in Maui’s waters as early as October and their presence gradually increases as more pods and escorts finally arrive in Hawaii just in time for the holiday season. Maui’s Whale Season runs from mid-Fall to April. The peak season for watching whales is generally during the latter part of the season; January, February and March.
One of the most amazing things about the humpback whales on Maui is how easily they can be observed in their natural habitat. It is common to see them breach and play on the ocean’s surface, which is easily seen from the shoreline. Private Chartered Whale Watching Tours are also available by request.
Above Photo by Karim Ilya