Island Music (A Brief History)
New Musical Tradition “Music serves to enliven many an hour of sadness, or what would be sadness otherwise. It is an expression of the...

Humpback Whales and the Hawaiian
THE KOHOLA IN HAWAI`I Humpback Whales and the Hawaiian By Charles Kauluwehi Maxwell Sr. ("Uncle Charlie") Published in Na Po`e Hawai`i...

Mother Nature’s Son
Mother Nature’s Son: Balanced with a Connection to the Natural World In the following excerpt (from Chapter 9 of Ticket to Ride), having...

Photos: Jasmine Joao, Baldwin High
The following is part of a series of photographs submitted by Baldwin High School students.

Stories Of The 'Aina And The Kai
Image Courtesy @islandartstore ALL ISLAND STORIES ARE WELCOME! Break out the pen, laptop, paints and cameras, etc. and send us your best...