Fire and Water: Pele, and Hi'iaka
Pele and her sister are in the family line is Hiʻiaka, and they take on the task of bearing the clouds, providing rain, thunder and...

Coming Home to Maui
Coming Home to Maui Talking Story with Philip Scott Waikoloa “On a white sandy beach in Hawaii” - Braddah IZ We’re coming home to Maui; I...

Surfing Paia Bay: Excerpt from "The Tradewinds"
Excerpt from "The Tradewinds" by Philip Scott Wikel "By the time an approaching squall had moved as close as the outer reefs Morgan had...

Most Popular Saltwater Fish
Ordering fish in a Hawaiian restaurant is not always easy — it can be akin to sailing into uncharted waters.

Fade: A Surfing Poem
knowing the wave
so well as
to turn left
and fade
on a right breaking face

The Mouse - An Explanation of Everything
The Mouse philip scott wikel ©2002 rev.8/2016 1. Once upon a time there was a beautiful neighborhood full of green trees and flowers and...

Coming Home to Maui
Coming Home to Maui Talking Story with Philip Scott Waikoloa “On a white sandy beach in Hawaii” - Braddah IZ We’re coming home to Maui; I...

ʻAHA ALOHA ʻĀINA More than 40 Kanaka Maoli community organizations and sovereignty groups are members of a coalition who sponsored a...