Fundraiser and Heart Art Party Wailuku Coffee Company
About Kahuena: “Kahuena was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma cancer when he was 4 years old. He won the battle 2 times but the cancer has...

Stories Of The 'Aina And The Kai
Image Courtesy @islandartstore ALL ISLAND STORIES ARE WELCOME! Break out the pen, laptop, paints and cameras, etc. and send us your best...

Rise of the Alii
Anne Wertheim Artist | He Hula Ali'i Mixed Media by Anne Wertheim - He Hula Ali'i Fine Art Rise of The Alii golden rolling fields of...

Some Aloha: Between Sets
between sets by philip scott wikel There was a long lull in the, until now, consistent sets of waves. After scanning the horizon again, I...

Fade: A Surfing Poem
knowing the wave
so well as
to turn left
and fade
on a right breaking face

I Sing The Ocean’s Song
I Sing The Ocean’s Song I sing the ocean’s song before she’s blanket gone and pound a fisted harmony on the sand, keeping crystal time...

Puka Hunting
Puka Hunting by Philip Scott August We comb the beach for pukas we are fishers of shells bound by love’s umbilical as we sift, scratch,...

The Mouse - An Explanation of Everything
The Mouse philip scott wikel ©2002 rev.8/2016 1. Once upon a time there was a beautiful neighborhood full of green trees and flowers and...

True Hawaiians: Talking Story
True Hawaiians: Talking Story with Philip Wikel I just wanted to take a moment to thank the Hawaiian people for the wonderful word...

Touching Eternity, Just For Fun
Touching Eternity, Just For Fun The peak moments I found in surfing are almost identical to those I find in writing and even sometimes...