Candle Light Vigil/Prayer for Las Vegas
We, like millions of others, are horrified and saddened by the events in Las Vegas this week. We at Maui Salt and Sage would like to...

We Are Mauna Kea!
HONOLULU – One of Hawaii's most divisive issues is centered on a largely barren, wintry mountain. The $1.4 billion Thirty Meter...

Dangerous Site? No! We're 100% Pono
Aloha, If anyone is getting a warning that www.mauisaltandsage.com is a dangerous site when you click "Continue Reading," please respond...

World Premiere of "Live Pono:" A Prayer for Freedom
World Premiere of "Live Pono:" A Prayer for Freedom An inspirational video of the beauty of Hawaii and the Sovereignty Movement. ...

Essential Issues of Human Existence: Dolphin Man
Discover the story and legacy of Jacques Mayol, the legendary free-diver whose life became the inspiration for Luc Besson's cult-movie...

Ancient Hawaiian Water Rights
The Hawaiian word for ʻlaw’ or ʻrule’ is kānāwai – it is interesting to note that the literal translation of kānāwai is ʻrelating to...

Turning Point! The Hawaiian Battle Of Kuamo'o
The lifting and stalemate of the Ai Kapu was felt throughout all of Polynesia in days of old like a ripple of rings in a pond. This was...

The Most Ono Fish and Chips, Lahaina
Captain Jack’s Captain Jack’s enjoys a bird’s eye view of Front Street, across from the Banyon tree. Cold Beer! Weekend Breakfast! Best...

The Power of Aloha
from The Power of Aloha: The Hawaiian Guide to Love, Health and Wealth Pili Aloha: Mobilizing Your Heart's Aloha Power Each of us yearns...

Jah Rastafariah! Damian "Jr. Gong" Marley
Damian Marley & J BoogPublic Hosted by Maui Arts & Cultural Center Saturday, September 30 at 6 PM - 10 PM Location: A&B Amphitheater...