The Masterful Hawaiian Fisherman
Painting by Herb Kane Historically, Hawaiians have had five methods of fishing: spearing, hand-catching, baskets, hook and line and nets....

Photo Contest! Get Shootin!
A brand new page will be created for contestants! Maui Salt and Sage Magazine invites you to submit your photos of our beautiful island....

A Brave New Maui!
A report issued by Maui Tomorrow estimates a doubling of jobs and tripling of revenue post-sugar. The Mālama ‘Āina: A Conversation About...

The Hawaiian New Year! Makahiki by Peter T Young
The rising of Makaliʻi (the constellation Pleiades) at sunset marks the beginning of the Hawaiian new year, known as Makahiki.

Click to Read! Ambassador of Aloha: Duke Kahanamoku
Ambassador of Aloha: Duke Kahanamoku...

You Can Save Our Seas! Malama Ke Kai
Click on the photo to read! 11 Ways You Can Save Our Seas! 1. Coral and other creatures are alive. Avoid stepping on or touching coral....

Humpbacks Endangered? Critical Year 2017
This year may go down as one of the most critical years for humpback whale research in Hawaii in the last fifty years. For the first time...

Humpback Whales and the Hawaiian
THE KOHOLA IN HAWAI`I Humpback Whales and the Hawaiian By Charles Kauluwehi Maxwell Sr. ("Uncle Charlie") Published in Na Po`e Hawai`i...

Essential Issues of Human Existence: Dolphin Man
Discover the story and legacy of Jacques Mayol, the legendary free-diver whose life became the inspiration for Luc Besson's cult-movie...