Kapaʻa Japanese Stone Lantern (Ishidoro)
The first Japanese immigrants to the Islands, like the Chinese, appeared not long after Western contact, but the greatest numbers arrived...

World Premiere of "Live Pono" A Prayer for Freedom
World Premiere of "Live Pono:" A Prayer for Freedom An inspirational video of the beauty of Hawaii and the Sovereignty Movement. ...

A Beacon of Free Speech!
Akakū: Maui Community Media is an independent, non-profit corporation established in 1992 to promote the creation of media by, for and...

Hawaiian Code of Forgiveness: Ho'oponopono
Ho'oponopono means to make right. Essentially, it means to make it right with the ancestors, or to make right with the people with whom...

‘Native Tenants’
“Kamehameha I was the founder of the kingdom, and to him belonged all the land from one end of the islands to the other, though it was...

World Premiere of "Live Pono:" A Prayer for Freedom
World Premiere of "Live Pono:" A Prayer for Freedom An inspirational video of the beauty of Hawaii and the Sovereignty Movement. ...

Candle Light Vigil/Prayer for Las Vegas
We, like millions of others, are horrified and saddened by the events in Las Vegas this week. We at Maui Salt and Sage would like to...